Friday, September 20, 2013

Making 10 Game Freebie

Do you love using playing cards to teach math concepts? I do! I bet I have hit up the Dollar Tree at least 10 times in the last year to restock my stash. So today I bring you a FrEeBie using those lovely resources that cost a buck! This math game works to reinforce combinations to 10. I didn't include the math fact 0 + 10 because there is not a playing card that represents 0. Ace is equal to one and I simply remove the face cards!

I hope you enjoy this math game. The  Common Core standards require a lot of foundational skills be set and this is a great mental math strategy to have. As a mater of fact I still add by making 10!

I will be working a lot on updating and adding things to my blog. It's been a while and it's kind of tricky to blog, create, and care for a six week old baby. But please check back for updates!

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